
Become a Member
Join Us Today

Become a Member

If you live in Malahide just apply for membership at our offices on Main Street or Join Us online.

To be eligible for membership of Malahide Credit Union you must be living or working within our Common Bond area.

You need to present 1 form of Identification, 1 form of Proof of Address an official correspondence with your PPS number.

There is also a joining fee of €1.27.

Why Join Us?

  • Free Banking
  • Modern Services
  • Non-profit Organisation
  • Member Owned
  • Fast & Efficient
  • Great Loan Rates
  • Your Community Benefits Too

What you need to join

Proof of Identity

Proof of Address

Proof of PPS

Joining Fee

Who can join Malahide Credit Union?

If you live in Malahide just apply for membership at our offices on Main Street or Join Us online.

To be eligible for membership of Malahide Credit Union Ltd you must be living or working within our Common Bond area.